Diastasis Recti - 12 Weeks

Plan details


12 weeks / 3 days per week


All Levels


Home / Gym / Outdoor

Target group
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Plan description

*ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN PRIOT TO STARTING A NEW WORKOUT REGIMEN* Just like it takes time for your abs to separate as your belly grows during pregnancy, it also takes time to heal your ab separation. For some its a few weeks, for others it might be a few months. This plan can be repeated over and over again as you build up your core strength. Depending on the severity of your ab separation, you might require more than 12-weeks. Nonetheless, you'll start the healing process and get yourself on the right track!

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Two of my most popular plans: Diastasis Recti - Closing The Gap - 12 Week Program: It takes time to heal and recover postpartum. Sometimes that means a longer period after the wait period once you're able to workout again. The 12-Week Program of "closing the gap" is focused on rebuilding core muscles and strengthening your pelvic floor. Start Here, Start Now - 4 Week Program This is the program to kick everything off and start reaching your goals.